Going to try again

It was not possible for me to write anything for a long time, I hit very bad times for all sorts of reasons that I won’t go into. A part of that is also what you see more in people with ME/CFS symptoms it is not uncommon : they start writing and then it stops because they can’t bring themselves to do it anymore, they can do without the effort it brings in their life. You can’t do what a normal person can do however simple it looks sometimes to an outsider. I am also suffering from all sorts of brain dysfunction effects that this illness brings,…

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There is mast cell involvement

Well I found out something very important about this disease : a lot if not all of my symptoms are mast cell related. When I fell ill everything seemed to revolve around my digestive tract as a cause of my problems. From extremely mild symptoms in my youth to severe digestive tract problems during the peak of my disease the mind and body effects followed this exactly. And when I started to treat my disease in several ways as if it was a digestive tract problem caused by some micro-organism I actually got some results and made myself at least a bit better over time. I thought…

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A direct link between sleep and the digestive tract

(Update : there is mast cell involvement as a cause for all of this something that I did not know yet when I wrote this. See post “There is mast cell involvement” ) Of all the things you hear about the digestive tract / microbiome research and the supposed influence it would have on the brain and general functioning of the body (a lot of which I am actually very skeptical about most of the time, something you would not expect from someone in my situation) they hardly ever talk about it having a relationship with sleep. Well have I got news for you. Because of all…

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Strange neurological symptoms of the brain

  (Update : there is mast cell involvement as a cause for all of this something that I did not know yet when I wrote this. See post “There is mast cell involvement” ) Just some mostly neurological symptoms involving the brain. And yes this list is also far from complete. - General clumsiness in all kinds of ways, general motor skills problems. If I want to break an egg I either can’t do it or I squash the egg completely. - Observable movement effects like slight head bobbing when looking from left to right, no smooth physical motions if I want to grab something I start…

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An incredible amount of symptoms

(Update : there is mast cell involvement as a cause for all of this something that I did not know yet when I wrote this. See post “There is mast cell involvement” ) This illness gives you truly an incredible amount of symptoms. Seriously, if it all sounds crazy I am the first one to say so, but that is what you get with this illness. When I was at my most ill absolutely nothing worked right anymore in my whole body. These are some of the things I have experienced. And no, nothing is made up or over-exaggerated. I am happy to say that I managed…

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A small introduction about me and what it is about

(Update : there is mast cell involvement as a cause for all of this something that I did not know yet when I wrote this. See post "There is mast cell involvement" ) When I fell ill, it actually happened quite quickly, and yet it had been building up to that point all my life. I will describe all my symptoms later in the future because they are so many and highly interesting. It took me a long time to understand it all. Literally years to figure it out in detail. At first I thought it had all been building up for a couple of years at…

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